What is the conservative view of Trump's infrastructure plan?

27 Feb 2017

This is part 11 in a series of 35 questions. It is based on a series of questions answered by John Hawkins for Townhall.com: here, and here.

11. What is the conservative view of Trump’s infrastructure plan? Good, bad, socialism?

I don’t know about all conservatives, but I’m not a fan of it. Basically, I am opposed to all federal government stimulus plans and federal government bailouts. I’m also opposed to subsidies.

When it comes to infrastructure, I believe that is the realm of the states working with the utilities to make sure things aren’t crumbling. Roads, bridges, power lines, etc. are the things states should be involved with, although not necessarily paying for. If a business wants to make money, competition is king. Look at the cellular companies. They’re continuously trying to improve their services, and they’re continuously upgrading their hardware. Government’s not involved. The only thing the government needs to do to protect the consumer is ensure that competition is taking place; no price-fixing please.

As a side note: sports arenas are not infrastructure.

No business is too big to fail. If it’s poorly run, too bad.

Want to stimulate the economy? Cut taxes. Let people keep more of their money. Sure, some people will invest, but a lot of people will spend it. People will spend money at the local level and that money will work it’s way up. Everybody will get a piece of the stimulus instead of a few rich corporations.

Want to stimulate the economy? Lower the cost of living. Remove government red tape and business taxes. Red tape increases the cost of doing business, which gets passed to the consumer. Eliminate business taxes. Businesses don’t pay taxes; they get passed on to the consumer. Both of these items raise the cost of living, which, by the way, hurts the poor. But liberals don’t care about that; regulations and taxes are more important.

Sorry. I’m ranting. I don’t see Trump’s infrastructure plan as socialist in nature, but I’m still opposed to it. Like I said, infrastructure belongs in the hands of the individual states. Just as it’s not the government’s job to bail out failing businesses, it’s not the federal government’s job to bail out failing states.

Tagged: conservatives Donald Trump infrastructure liberals

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