Reflection on Plumb

Measuring the world against the Word of God

Atheistism #3: Denying Their Faith
9 Jun 2011

Atheistism #3: Denying Their Faith

Too many Christians have let atheists define faith, and they've defined it incorrectly, making it harder for Christians to defend their faith. When faith is used accurately, it actually makes it harder for the atheist to defend his faith. Read more...

Atheistism #2: Hung Up On Contemporary Evidence
28 May 2011

Atheistism #2: Hung Up On Contemporary Evidence

Atheists use the argument that there is no contemporary evidence to back up the Gospels, but they have no problem with the lack of contemporary evidence for many of their beliefs. Read more...

Atheistism #1: Context Fail
25 Apr 2011

Atheistism #1: Context Fail

One of the things we are taught about any study, is that we need to keep things in context. Atheists present Biblical stories as impossibilities, but they're looking at it through their own worldview instead of that of the Bible. Read more...

Never Argue With An Atheist
11 Apr 2011

Never Argue With An Atheist

I had the privilege of having an argument with an atheist on Twitter. First, it's a horrible platform for that type of debate, but I did learn that one should never argue with an atheist. While one side tries to debate, the other side simply resorts to name-calling. Read more...

8 Mar 2011

Letter To Demand Progress

My favorite Internet freedom organization, Demand Progress, is spreading its campaign. It has recently put together a couple of petition campaigns against “the war on science.” One was a petition to the Texas Board of Education, and the other is to Congress supporting a resolution honoring Darwin. I am now going to have to write my congressman urging the exact opposite of what their petition says. Here is the text of my hastily written email:

I just want to say that I support most of your work, have signed many petitions, and have even shared links urging others to sign, but as a supporter of free speech I have to say that I can not support your efforts to silence critics of evolution. I support your initiatives for Internet fairness and free speech, and as a huge proponent of free speech, I also support public education of evolution and its opposing views.

There is this mistaken belief that not believing in evolution equates to not believing in science. This is absolutely not true. Evolution is only one aspect of science. It is the belief that another aspect of science, natural selection, occurs in such a way that another species arises through the mutation of genes (simply put). The fact of the matter is that there is no evidence to support the claim that natural selection has ever progressed to a point where one species mutated into another; all so-called examples have ended with the same species they started with. Disbelief in evolution does not cause science to crumble as many scientists would have you believe. It does not even have to be at odds with natural selection. While some of the theories are impressive, they are simply eye-wash to make those who do not believe in God feel better.

I will continue to support your stand for Internet rights, but please stick to those freedom campaigns. It seems to me that stifling opposing views where they need to be discussed, in a classroom environment, runs contradictory to your other campaigns.

Evolution: I'm Not Buying What You're Selling
11 Feb 2011

Evolution: I'm Not Buying What You're Selling

There are a lot of people who don't believe that evolution is true, and this has been equated with not believing in science, but the truth of the matter is that you can believe in science without believing in evolution. The two are not the same, and the effort to equate has caused a lot of problems. Read more...

God and Gremlins: Why I Believe
31 Jan 2011

God and Gremlins: Why I Believe

The atheist says that believing in God is akin to believing in gremlins; it's irrational, backwards, or illogical. Unfortunately for the atheist, there are valid, and convincing, arguments for the existence of God, and not gremlins. Read more...

Science Is A Tool, Not An Authority
7 Jan 2011

Science Is A Tool, Not An Authority

We hear it all the time how science says... But science doesn't really tell us anything; scientists do. Science is a tool, and the scientist interprets what he finds using science. What this means is that science is not an authority. Read more...

The Slippery Slope
21 Dec 2010

The Slippery Slope

A few years ago, I had taken a speech class. My final speech was on the topic of same-sex marriage and one of the points I had made was that love, by itself, is not enough to justify marriage. Read more...

3 Nov 2010

The Cruelty of Atheism

“The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe. When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil, there is no reason to be human”1.

  1. Wurmbrand, Richard. “Tortured for Christ.” Living Sacrifice Book Company. 1967.

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