Reflection on Plumb

Measuring the world against the Word of God

It's Not the Economy, Stupid!
8 Nov 2012

It's Not the Economy, Stupid!

Everyone’s writing about the results of yesterday’s election so I figured I might as well join in. There are a lot of disappointed conservatives, myself included. But my disappointment isn’t really what I want to talk about. Last night as I was watching the results roll in, I kept thinking to myself, this isn’t happening. I was one of those conservatives that had such high hopes yesterday afternoon and by the time Ohio was called for Obama… It was like watching the World Series all over again when the Tigers were swept by the Giants. Read more...

Reflection On Plumb
8 Aug 2012

Reflection On Plumb

While I’ve never written as much as I would like to, it hasn’t kept me from trying to move forward with this blog. One of the things about moving forward involves coming up with a name. Through the years, I’ve tried a few: Extra Spout, The Truth Hurts, The Scenery, and mostly recently, J. Alan Doak. The last was the most convenient, but while my blog is a reflection of my thoughts, it isn’t me. Read more...

18 Apr 2012

Nice Links

I read a lot of news, and normally I just share the good stuff as I come across it. Over the past few days I got a little behind but found some articles that struck me as especially important and I thought I would dedicate a post to them. While none of these are thorough discussions on the topics they cover, they should get you thinking.

  1. Apparently Rick Santorum was attacked by the left when he made the claim that “Rights come from our Creator.” This attack has exposed the Left’s ignorance of this countries history and the claims of the Founding Fathers. While secular America claims Founding Fathers such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson as advocates for their point of view, they are quite mistaken. While not Christian, they did hold Christian values and held strong beliefs in God. And Rick Santorum—Christian—has simply echoed the words of Thomas Jefferson—Deist. That’s Deist as in NOT atheist, and NOT anti-religious. Read more in Anthony W. Hager’s Government Isn’t the Creator of Rights.

  2. The contraception argument is not a war on women, and contrary to the liberal claim, no one wants to ban it. It’s MUCH more complicated than that. As Jim Mahoney writes in Church, Sex, and Society, “By then, after a series of recreational couplings, perhaps she’ll settle down with a boy who grew up on pornographic fantasies. When they encounter the day-to-day realities of adult life, neither will find the “fulfillment” he or she sought, but only a dreary sense of emptiness and loss. Eventually they’ll divorce, leaving more fatherless children to repeat this cycle, while two more adults grow old seething with rage, resentment, and guilt.”

  3. A large portion of Christian, especially Catholic, voters vote Democrat. The biggest reason I can think of, as to why they would do such a thing is because they are voting with their wallet. It may also be misguided compassion, but that’s a different topic. Whatever the reason, the truth of the matter is they are voting for government control of everything, including what they think and believe. In The Democratic Party Is Rotten Through and Through, Neil Snyder touches on a few policies many believe are helpful to society, but in reality, are racist, sexist, and bigoted. And you thought they were compassionate.

  4. And finally, an argument that I hear a lot is that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. No it doesn’t. In Can We Prove the Existence of God?, James Anderson, explains why reasonable evidence is all that is needed.

Are You Drawing People In, Or Chasing Them Away?
12 Apr 2012

Are You Drawing People In, Or Chasing Them Away?

Evangelism is all about bringing people to God, but are the methods you're using drawing people in or chasing them away? Read more...

Is the Catholic Church's Opposition to Contraceptives a War on Women?
13 Feb 2012

Is the Catholic Church's Opposition to Contraceptives a War on Women?

The Catholic Church is embroiled in a 'War on Women' controversy because of their teaching that contraceptives are essentially sinful. This is not a war on women, but a war on abortion and recreational sex. Read more...

29 Jan 2012

Christianity As Science-Starter

Amy Hall from Stand To Reason posted a series of articles this week entitled Christianity As Science-Starter. There are three, and they deal with Kepler, Galileo, and Newton. Her inspiration is a book called Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning, by Nancy Pearcey. In this series, she reminds us that science was started by God fearing Christians who believed that the universe, as created by God, follows a master plan that is predictable and discoverable. It is not the results of random chance.

While I can’t recommend the book—I haven’t read it—I can recommend the articles:

Looks like another book to add to my reading list.

26 Jan 2012

Happy Pills for the Grieving

The New York Times ran an article, Grief Could Join List of Disorders, describing how the American Psychiatric Association is revising its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and apparently grief may be added to the list of disorders.

While grief is certainly not a fun thing to go through, and there is not doubt in my mind that it is a form of depression, it is also a healthy form of depression when it runs it course the way it should. There are generally several stages—ranging from five to ten depending on the expert—that include: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages vary in length for each person, and some people even skip some. Everyone handles grief differently which is why, I imagine, the number of stages can vary.

The thing that everyone seems to agree on is that grief is natural, and that it should not be suppressed. Holding it in is not healthy; failing to let it out is not healthy. While grief can certainly trigger an unhealthy depression, if it’s not handled well, it seems to me that this will only give doctors the ability to prescribe drugs much earlier than should be.

From the article: “What I worry about most is that the revisions will medicalize normality and that millions of people will get psychiatric labels unnecessarily,” said Dr. Allen Frances, who was chairman of the task force that revised the last edition.

While I certainly have a problem with the increasing labels given to people in society for their “abnormalities,” I see this as another easily abused disorder like ADD. Oh, this persons a little off. Let’s give them some drugs. It also fits in well with a society that seems to abhor unhappiness. Oh, you’re grieving? How about a happy pill?

While the goal of being proactive to prevent serious problems that could later develop later is noble, the reality is, that more Americans will have access to powerful drugs at an earlier stage. Many who don’t need them. While there may be a number of people who helped by this, I can’t help but think the big winner will be the drug companies.

22 Aug 2011

Food Court

When I think of a food court, two things usually come to mind.

The first is the food court located on a military installation where various fast food vendors are all located around the same eating area. Some of the vendors are those that the general public would find familiar with such as Taco Bell or Popeye’s Chicken, but there are also places that would only be familiar to military members such as Robin Hood or Anthony’s Pizza. The size and number of vendors varies with the size of the installation.

The second place that comes to mind is Disney World. Much like the military installation, there are different types of food available: burgers, pizza, desert, and full dinners. The dinners usually take on the style of the resort the food court is located in, but these are all owned by Disney.

After reading Gerald Nachman’s fictitious My Day In Food Court at The American Spectator, I now have a third picture in my mind when I think of a food court. But this one’s a little scary.

7 Aug 2011

Biblical Archaeology: Philip's Tomb and Gobekli Tepe

I had heard the news that Philip the Apostle’s tomb had been found a few months ago, but I held off being excited because I know how those discoveries are often recanted later. As it turns out, it’s may not be the Apostle’s tomb, but Philip the Evangelist. Either way, it’s still an exciting find if true, because finding the tombs of people who are mentioned in Scripture still serve to provide more evidence for the reliability of Scripture.

More on Philip’s Tomb:

Another find that has been revealed over the last couple of weeks has been equally as interesting. It’s that of Gobekli Tepe. Gobekli Tepe is being heralded as the oldest “Temple” ever found, predating Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. If true, it would provide more evidence that religion has always been a part of mankind’s life, and not something invented later on as part of culture. Stand to Reason has posted a short article on this, along with an interview of Ben Witherington regarding the ramifications for secular understandings of religious history. I highly recommend you follow the link STR provides in the article called Philip’s Tomb and listen to the interview; it’s only about 18 minutes.

More on Gobekli Tepe:

Atheistism #4: The God Diversions
1 Aug 2011

Atheistism #4: The God Diversions

When it comes to atheism, you can find a lot of arguments against the existence of God, but many of those arguments don't actually disprove God's existence. Read more...

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