Against Those Who Oppress the Hired Worker In His Wages
Most Americans spend more money on taxes than they do food, housing, and clothing. Who oppresses the hired worker in his wages more than any other entity?
Most Americans spend more money on taxes than they do food, housing, and clothing. Who oppresses the hired worker in his wages more than any other entity?
Tax cuts are something no American should ever stop trying to get lowered as long as the government keeps spending it on things it's not authorized by the Constitution to do.
I haven’t met a person yet who said, “Damn, I wish my tax refund were smaller!”
If taxes were a civic duty, we wouldn't create so many loopholes and exemptions to allow people to get out of paying them.
The Bible tells us over and over to give to the poor. But we need to ask ourselves, are we giving in a Christian way or have me made a mockery of charity?
There’s a lot of discussion about helping the poor through government programs. We’re told, if you’re a Christian you will support helping the poor through welfare, and if you don’t, you aren’t a real Christian. While I understand the argument, it’s never sat well with me. I think that’s because it doesn’t take the discussion deep enough. It’s a surface argument, a jab, for one group of people to get another group of people to feel bad for their position.