11 Nov 2019

Antifa Strikes Again

Antifa Assaults And Robs YouTuber Mid-Stream At Dinesh and Brandon Straka Event Portland Andy was confronted by several of the antifa terrorists, who ripped his phone right out of his hand and proceeded to assault him, right in the middle of his live stream.

26 Oct 2019

Kill Cops

Chicago sign near fallen officer memorial changed to read ‘Kill Cops’ - mayor silent. Police do not yet know who is responsible. The city has been struggling to keep law and order under the politics of the far left mayor. It’s not working. As of last Sunday in Chicago, 2,199 people have been shot so far this year. I hate to bring politics into something so despicable, but we all know, whoever did this isn’t voting for a Republican.

26 Oct 2019

MAGA: An Excuse For Leftist Hate

Leftists are getting more violent, and I believe that it will continue to rise as the right continues to thwart their “progress.” What started as calling supporters of President Trump slanderous names, has escalated into physical violence. And they’re simply being emboldened by the lack of Leftist leadership (Democrat politicians) condemning their actions. Let’s take a look at a couple of highlights from this past summer, when people simply wear a hat that says MAGA, Make America Great Again.

6 Sep 2019

When Democrats Support Violence

From a couple days ago: AOC, Pressley vow to help pay bail for counterprotesters arrested at ‘Straight Pride’ parade Wow. For a short article, there’s a lot to unpack here. So what we have here is a parade set up by people who oppose same-sex “marriage.” The event was legal, protected by the Constitution, and most likely planned as a peaceful event. The goal was to “to celebrate traditional families and defend heterosexuality.