Banning Foreigners Versus Banning Assault Weapons
I find the thought disturbing that a liberal would lump human beings and inanimate objects into the same category, but yes, I'm more comfortable banning SOME foreigners over 'assault' weapons.
I find the thought disturbing that a liberal would lump human beings and inanimate objects into the same category, but yes, I'm more comfortable banning SOME foreigners over 'assault' weapons.
On February 14, 2018, a lone gunman entered Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL and killed 17 students. Since then, gun control that has been on everyone's mind. Why is there so little blame being placed on the gunman? Do you remember his name?
‘He’s the hero. He’s the person who stopped this madness’ Source: “22-Year-Old Stops Tennessee Church Shooter | The Daily Caller“
The left pushes all kinds of policies that are basically anti-human like animal rights, abortion, evolution, gun control, global warming, and then are surprised and outraged when acts of violence are committed against humans.
On Friday, 26 people were murdered; 20 of which were children. I have no idea what those children look like yet, but I am continually saddened as I think of what their faces may have looked like; eyes wide with fear, crying, begging… I wonder what the shooter was thinking as he looked into each little terror-stricken face. And pulled the trigger. And then did it again. And again. Until 20 children lay dead.